Saturday, October 21, 2006

6 Month Pictures

Kaitlyn turned 6 months old on October 13. At her doctor's visit she weighed 18 lb 11 oz and was 26 1/2 inches. She grew 2 whole inches since her 4 month visit. She is also cutting 2 sharp teeth. Here are Kaitlyn's 6 month pictures by Frieda DaVault of Davault Photography. Kaitlyn was a little tired but was able to give us some good smiles.

There are more pictures at this link. It was easier than uploading all of them to several posts.
Beware that the quality is not that great on some of them due to scanning the photos. Please give all the pictures time to load. There should be 16 more. I tried to make them as small as i could as still keep the best quality.


Anonymous said...

you can really tell that Kaitlyn is a very happy little girl.

Anonymous said...

Three words.. I love it!